Physical appearance is a major factor in the development of personality​
Insecurities and judgments may cause a negative perception of oneself
“Normal” standards set by society create unreasonable expectations
Low self-esteem tends to perpetuate itself
Physical appearance, personality, and one’s environment are related
We conform our own self opinions to the opinion of the those we interact with. (Patzer, 1988)
There is a correlation between success and physical appearance (Kleinke, 1975)
- Physical activity provides physiological and psychological benefits that reflects that physical activity resulted in an increase of self-concept and self-worth.
Self-worth is evaluated by the individuals own feelings of themselves and self-perception is affected by their own opinion of themselves
PA could be used as a mediator or preventive prescription in a way to improve mental
Decreases the impact of depression and anxiety as well
Doesn’t take much exercise to help improve mental health… in order to effect mental health just find at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise to do five times a week.
What is shown in magazine ads tends to be considered the social norm
There are more weight-loss centered articles for women
Articles for men focus more towards weight-gain
Many topics discussed in magazines instill a sense of dissatisfaction
Often try to "improve" something about you
Some Women have Insecurities with Cardio Exercise...
Feeling inadequate compared to others
Having stressful instructors
Receiving an upfront comment about their weight
Feeling targeted
Group exercise creates a sense of acceptance and community
Tips to Overcome Exercise Insecurity
1. Acknowledge shame
2. Be open to conversations
3. Be supportive
4. Promote self-compassion
How do women in racial minorities respond to mainstream beauty standards?
Caucasian women
Compared themselves to mainstream beauty standards
African-American women
Were not affected by western beauty standards
Did not find standards relevant
Compared themselves only to “black in-group” standards
Asian women
Tended to follow, compare themselves and accept western beauty standards
The Effect of Beauty
Standards on Women
The Impact Social Beauty Standards have on Women
​Who does this affect?
Women who want to be more attractive to men
Women who value beauty and physical appearance
How do women respond?
Worry about their physical appearance
Put in the effort to follow beauty standards displayed by "objectified" women
Have dehumanizing thoughts about the women the strive to look like
Compare themselves to others
Judge other women by those standards