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  • Physical appearance is a major factor in the development of personality​

  • Insecurities and judgments may cause a negative perception of oneself

  • “Normal” standards set by society create unreasonable expectations

  • Low self-esteem tends to perpetuate itself

  • Physical appearance, personality, and one’s environment are related

  • We conform our own self opinions to the opinion of the those we interact with. (Patzer, 1988)

  • There is a correlation between success and physical appearance (Kleinke, 1975)


  • Physical activity provides physiological and psychological benefits that reflects that physical activity resulted in an increase of self-concept and self-worth.
  • Self-worth is evaluated by the individuals own feelings of themselves and self-perception is affected by their own opinion of themselves

  • PA could be used as a mediator or preventive prescription in a way to improve mental

  • Decreases the impact of depression and anxiety as well

  • Doesn’t take much exercise to help improve mental health… in order to effect mental health just find at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise to do five times a week.


  • What is shown in magazine ads tends to be considered the social norm

  • There are more weight-loss centered articles for women

  • Articles for men focus more towards weight-gain

  • Many topics discussed in magazines instill a sense of dissatisfaction 

  • Often try to "improve" something about you

Some Women have Insecurities with Cardio Exercise... 

  • Feeling inadequate compared to others 

  • Having stressful instructors 

  • Receiving an upfront comment about their weight 

  • Feeling targeted 

  • Group exercise creates a sense of acceptance and community 

Tips to Overcome  Exercise Insecurity

1. Acknowledge shame 

2. Be open to conversations

3. Be supportive 

4. Promote self-compassion

How do women in racial minorities respond to mainstream beauty standards?

Caucasian women

Compared themselves to mainstream beauty standards


African-American women

Were not affected by western beauty standards

Did not find standards relevant

Compared themselves only to “black in-group” standards


Asian women

Tended to follow, compare themselves and accept western beauty standards

The Effect of Beauty

Standards on Women

 The Impact Social Beauty Standards have on Women 

​Who does this affect? 

  • Women who want to be more attractive to men

  • Women who value beauty and physical appearance 


How do women respond?

  • Worry about their physical appearance

  • Put in the effort to follow beauty standards displayed by "objectified" women 

  • Have dehumanizing thoughts about the women the strive to look like 

  • Compare themselves to others 

  • Judge other women by those standards 

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